We love God because God loved us first. How? God sent His one and only Son for us. To die for our sins. God gave us life but it doesn’t stop there. He constantly gives us breathe each day. He gives us strength when we are weak. He gives us peace when we are anxious. …
How do we show our love for the Lord? What does this really mean? This doesn’t mean having the feeling of “love” for God. Though it certainly can, it is not limited to our feelings. In fact, it goes well beyond our feelings. When we love the Lord, it is a commitment. And the Bible …
The Bible is a Love Letter
What is the Bible?
Is it just a boring collection of ancient text that does not apply to us?
Or is it perhaps a textbook that we just “HAVE” to read because we are Christians or we grew up being told it is something we “should” do.
When we reframe the Bible to what it truly is then we can change the way we approach the Bible and our attitude towards it.
Instead of the Bible as any other book, The Bible is the living Word of God.
And the Bible is God’s story from the beginning to the end.
In this story, we read about God’s plan and His redemption for His people.
Instead of the Bible as a boring book of do’s and dont’s, the Bible is a Love letter for us.
It reveals God’s love and the extent of His patience and grace to His people.
May we approach the Bible as the eternal Holy Word of God that allows us to discover the depths of God’s character and sovereign plan over us.
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