• The Bible is a Love Letter

    What is the Bible? Is it just a boring collection of ancient text that does not apply to us? Or is it perhaps a textbook that we just “HAVE” to read because we are Christians or we grew up being told it is something we “should” do. When we reframe the Bible to what it …

  • What does it mean to love God?

    How do we show our love for the Lord? What does this really mean? This doesn’t mean having the feeling of “love” for God. Though it certainly can, it is not limited to our feelings. In fact, it goes well beyond our feelings. When we love the Lord, it is a commitment. And the Bible …

  • We love because He first loved us

    We love God because God loved us first. How? God sent His one and only Son for us. To die for our sins. God gave us life but it doesn’t stop there. He constantly gives us breathe each day. He gives us strength when we are weak. He gives us peace when we are anxious. …

  • Go to Church Early

    Keeping the Sabbath Holy – Go to Church Early

    If there’s one thing Christians can work on regarding keeping the Sabbath Holy, it’s going to church on time. Generally speaking, going to church late comes down to a lack of preparation. There’s always going to be an excuse or there’s always going to be something that comes up in getting in the way of …

  • Pray specific prayers

    Pray Specific Prayers

    One of the biggest shifts we can have in our prayers is to pray SPECIFIC prayers. There’s at least three reasons for this. 1. Be intentional with your prayers and ask for specific prayers so that you are not praying for things out of habit or requesting for general things. There is nothing wrong to …

  • Joy Prayer Structure

    How to Pray in 2023 – JOY

    Here’s how you can Pray in 2023 using the – JOY structure: Jesus Other Yourself Focus on Jesus. Focus on your savior and what He did on the cross for you. As we celebrate the New Year, let’s not forgot the birth of Christ that we celebrated just a few days ago! Focus on Others. How …

  • The One Year Bible Plan

    The One Year Bible Plan

    The Importance of a Bible Plan There’s a famous quote by Benjamin Franklin, “If You Fail to Plan, You Are Planning to Fail”. This is applicable to Christians because most Christians don’t have a Bible reading plan to begin with! It’s no wonder Christians do not read the Bible. In fact, we are all inundated with …

  • 2023 to the Lord

    2023 New Years to the Lord

    Give this 2023 New Years to the Lord Instead of focusing various different New Years resolutions, prioritize Spiritual Growth!  “for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” – 1 Timothy 4:8 ESV Even …

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